
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Right Handedness

Ok, so a while back my friend Adam decided that on one of the life drawing poses he'd draw with his right hand. Being left-handed, like myself, this was going to be quite the task for him. He pulled me into doing the same thing, and the two of use subsequently pressured Miguel into doing the same.

Adam's drawing was notably inferior to his primary hand. Miguel actually had nicer drawings when he went with his secondary(left).... so that was interesting.

Even though I worked super slowly, I was able to get a surprisingly good drawing out of my right arm. I followed it up with a second one. I feel like I should train this ability to draw alternately. Perhaps I can one day learn to draw with both hands at once, sketching roughs out with my right hand, and then following with a render through my left....right....

Well, I can dream, can't I?
Number 1

Number 2

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