
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So, I've been sort of debating over this decision for a while now. I've actually neglected to post anything anywhere because I just kept stalling. I've decided I'm making the move to Tumblr. The main reason is that Tumblr facilitates sharing better than Blogspot. I didn't worry about it for a while and figured it's easier to just stick with what I already have.

But over the past year I realized I gravitated toward tumblr blogs and truly hoped that various artists had tumblr pages, just because it was so easy to follow, like, or reshare their work.

Sure, blogger has those options in one or another form. But what even IS google friend connect? I have no understanding of how it works or what it's purpose is. Likewise with the google+ button to +1 it....where the hell do I see my +1's? I don't use an RSS feed, and to follow a blog I have to copy the url and go to my dashboard to add it.

Tumblr has a single button for each of these actions. As a user, I push it and the job is done.  So, why wouldn't I hold myself to that same standard of simplicity that I'd come to expect from others?

I guess there's the question of whether I can migrate old posts from this blog to new blog. That may seem silly to some, but I really enjoy seeing my terrible work from way back, as well as that of others. I find it fascinating.

Anyway, I got the same name

Also, I realized I can easily have my cake and eat it as well, thanks to
Ifttt lets me build macros for various things, among which is the ability to automatically repost from tumblr to here. I'm just not going to be updating this directly anymore, and felt like making a little post to mark that, as well as link over to the primary blog in case anyone happens upon this old place.

check it out.

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