
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Follow Up....

Not quite sure if I included all of these.... I'll check and edit it later....
Head I modeled the fall before last, intending to make blenshapes for it(hence the smirking one on the right), but I decided to move my efforts to other things, not to mention the fact that there are many high-quality, pre-made rigs that I can use for this....I hope to enter the 11secondclub contest this month, so I'll be sure to upload my entry at the end of the month.
Here's a shot of the render passes, for the game character I did for "Thief's Tale", along with the final output image for the game.... I really wish they could have been higher-res.... but "The Designer", alas, is not "A Programmer", though he is, unfortunately, "The Programmer". Though we do now have an actual programmer, so hopefully the new engine will allow us to have a higher resolution version.
Wire frame view of the skeleton model I decided to show off.

I was told that some 3d examples would be good, so here's a repost of the alien head I modeled in Maya. Though modeling, and more specifically texturing is not my thing, nor do I plan on it becoming my main "thing".This came with a huge, long winded description of the features of the rig I built. Actually, rigS in the plural. Since I rigged and animated 3 characters. Now I built another rig for a small project that I, unfortunately, am not allowed to talk about :(

I hope that I can one day not have to build my own rigs and can concentrate solely on animating....becasue this shit of having to spend half my constantly tiny time constraints on rigging is really getting annoying.
Another repost of a shot from the Catacomb I made for last March's Gnomon modelling competition.

Now I'm off to eat lunch, then get to work on that 11secondclub contest!

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