
Monday, January 4, 2010


So, here are two of my perspective drawings from the semester. I am still trying to build that accursedly difficult habit of uploading things regularly. I had to scan all of my life drawings for my final, but neglected to sift through for the ones I feel like posting. Also, I've sort of fallen a bit further out of the blogging habit. We'll see if I manage to stay more on top of it this semester.

So this first one was my final assignment. It wasn't really our "final", per se, since we only had a little bit of time left in the semester to do it. I think I went further than most people did with there's, taking the time to do some basic lighting with a ball point pen. Still, the structure of the building is all just whatever geometry I had the time to figure out properly and draw before I ran out of time. The giant dice falling toward it were sort of a random addition, because we had to have an object falling toward our 3pt construct. So I decided to have two dice throwing snake eyes at the building.

This one was our second 2pt project, which I neglected and just sort of rolled with this idea I got in my head. The building and any perspective I had to figure out is sort of dwarfed by the relative size of everything else. I got all into the idea of doing some sort of tibetan building up in the mountains, the result being this tower over a waterfall. Hopefully in the future I'll feel more confident with my digital drawing abilities that I'll be able to design a more interesting building, without worrying that I can't actually execute it.

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